Coronavirus News Weddings & Events Craig y Nos Castle - Weddings in Wales at Craig y Nos Castle

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Coronavirus News Weddings & Events Craig y Nos Castle

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Craig y Nos Castle Coronavirus Regulations & Advice for Weddings in South Wales

Permitted Wedding Guest numbers have now increased - typically to what the venue decides based on a safety review.

Proof of a negative test or double jab is requested prior to you and your guests attending any wedding event.
To avoid us having to advise you if there has been a case of Coronavirus, during your visit, it would be appropriate if you and all guests were able to advise confirmation of having been double vaccinated or confirm you have a recent negative virus test upon your arrival.
Craig y Nos Castle winner Best Wedding Venue Wales



24/12/2021: Update on Weddings (also read 22/12/2021 update): Wedding, Civil partnership or alternative wedding receptions and wakes. There are no legal limits on the number of people who can attend a wedding, civil partnership or alternative wedding receptions and wake. However, hospitality rules will apply and reasonable measures must be taken to minimise the risk of exposure to and spread of coronavirus. You should aim to keep 2m physical distance from anyone you do not live with as much as possible. It is strongly advised that you take a Lateral Flow Test on the day of the event, whether you are fully vaccinated or not. If you receive a positive result, you should not attend, you should self-isolate and take a PCR test. Likewise, if you are ill and/or displaying symptoms you should self-isolate and take a PCR test.

Restaurants, cafes and pubs; Venues such as restaurants, cafes and pubs are required to take all reasonable measures to minimise the risk of exposure to coronavirus. For example:

• customers will be encouraged to pre-book with details of all members of the group
• contact details will be required for contact tracing purposes
• entry to the premises will be controlled
• licenced premises, such as pubs, will be providing table service only
• all food and drink should be consumed at tables
• physical distancing measures will be applied, such as tables being spaced out
• face coverings must be worn other than when seated to eat or drink

You can visit outdoor and indoor spaces of licensed premise such as cafés, restaurants, pubs and bars with people you live with. However, if you want to visit licensed premises with people you do not live with, then you should meet up with no more than five other people, i.e. your party must contain no more than six people from up to six households at any one time (excluding any carers or children under 11 from any of these households).

22/12/2021: Update on Weddings & Omicron (more news coming in daily almost!): Wedding Limit in Conservatory (see below) is now 92 people. 60 in function room. Theatre for Ceremony - limit is 66 people.

New measures will be introduced from 6am on Boxing Day to help keep Wales safe. The measures are a revised version of alert level 2 to respond to the new omicron variant and are designed to help keep businesses open and trading and protect customers and staff. The regulations bring back protections in hospitality businesses, including licensed premises, and in cinemas and theatres when they re-open after the festive period. Strengthened guidance will be issued to help people stay safe in their own homes and when meeting others.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: We are facing a very serious situation in Wales. A wave of infections caused by the new, fast-moving and very-infectious omicron variant is headed our way. This new form of coronavirus could infect large numbers of people in Wales, disrupting daily lives and businesses and could cause an increase in the number of people who need hospital care in the coming weeks. We will do everything we can to protect people’s health and livelihoods in Wales – this means taking early action to try and control its spread. We are changing the rules for businesses and some public spaces, where lots of different people mix daily and issuing strong and clear advice to help people stay safe in their own private homes and when meeting others.

From Boxing Day, the alert level 2 measures will mean:
• A general requirement of 2m social distancing in all premises open to the public and workplaces, where reasonable.
• The rule of 6 will apply to gatherings in regulated premises, such as hospitality, cinemas and theatres.
• All licensed premises will need to take additional measures to protect customers and staff, including table service and collecting contact details.
• Face coverings will be required in hospitality settings at all times apart from when seated.
• Large events will not be allowed indoors or outdoors. The maximum number of people who can gather at an indoor event will be 30 and 50 outdoors*.
• There will be an exception for team sports, up to 50 spectators will be able to gather, in addition to those taking part. There is also an exception for events involving children.

Specific Legislation states are Alert Level 2:
• *Weddings (ceremony limit set by venue). Wedding reception or wake (Limits to be set by venues when social distancing is taken into account, also you should take a lateral flow test on the day of the event). Following measurement of the various function rooms and in accordance with the statement: “The number of guests able to attend a wedding is determined by the size of the venue in order  to allow them to put in 2m social distancing in place”

This means that our capacity for the following rooms have changed to:

• theatre - 66 people
• function room - 60 people
• conservatory- 92 people

• Holding large gatherings will be an offence under new Welsh post-Christmas Covid regulations. There will be a separate offence for large gatherings – more than 30 people indoors or 50 people outdoors – in private homes and gardens.

Q&A chat 23/12/2021
Q: i have a question regarding the numbers for each of the room - are they inclusive of children - or children exempt from the restrictions? Oldest attending would be 10. (Also asked; why is Comservatory able to take more than function room?):

ANS: Conservatory is larger, and tables of 10 can be spaced out so we can get 9 tables of 10. Function Room, you have to leave spaces between tables, and with Xmas tree, pathway and way it's laid out, leaving gaps between the tables only gets you 6 tables of 10. Plus buffet table and space allowed in the main for the evening function dancing. The rule of 6 doesn't apply as far as we are concerned to weddings or life events just applying to ordinary dining, and non life events where the numbers are a maximum of 30, as that is how the regulations as far as I have read them have been interpreted. The rule of 6 didn't specifically mention ages of people, just generalised with "There will also be an exception for events involving children"

When the last rule of 6 was in place "Children of all ages count towards the limit of 6, according to the latest guidance from the British government but this contrasted with the approach of Scotland and Wales – where children under 12 and 11 respectively were exempt – and was criticised for unfairly penalising larger families and households". Therefore on that basis, children dining after Boxing Day for for evening meal under 12 would not be counted so you could have 6 adults and any number of under 12's.

As for weddings it doesn't apply. It also depends on what the customer is actually looking to book for instance as if it was a kids party you could in theory have 90 children and the 30 rule would not apply if they are all children. But we couldn't for instance fit 90 adults and more children as they can't be socially distanced, that's why the rule for weddings is based on venue size and social distancing. Probably all change and luckily irrespective of the numbers all events we have booked over Xmas and NYE the numbers fit by far.


Last week new measures were announced for workplaces and retail – these will now come into force on Boxing Day. Nightclubs will also close on Boxing Day. The Welsh Government will not be making new rules about mixing in people’s private homes, including gardens, in holiday accommodation or meeting outdoors. Instead guidance will be issued to help people stay safe.

To help you stay safe in your own home, we strongly advise everyone follows these 5 measures:

• Limit the number of people visiting your home.
• If people are visiting, make sure they take a lateral flow test in the morning before the visit.
• Meeting outdoors is better than indoors. If you’re meeting indoors make sure it’s well ventilated.
• Space out any visits.
• And don’t forget about social distancing and washing your hands.

The First Minister added: The most important thing we can all do to protect ourselves against omicron is to be fully vaccinated – that means also having the booster. If you are eligible for a booster then please make getting it a priority in the coming weeks. As we enter our second winter of the pandemic, we have high vaccination coverage and tens of thousands of extra boosters are being given every day. We also have access to the rapid lateral flow tests to help us all identify signs of infection without symptoms. Both of these, together with everything we have learned over the last 2 years will help to keep us safe at home without the need for new rules and regulations about mixing at home.

17/12/2021 Update & Omicron: Welsh Update. - Essentially Xmas is fine as are weddings. No specific legal change (yet - more on 27th Dec) just polite urging to be SAFE and SENSIBLE. And get the Booster.The Welsh Government is issuing strong guidance to support people across Wales through the Christmas period. Wales will then introduce new restrictions, including for businesses and services – from 27 December. This will include a 2m rule on social distancing in offices and putting extra measures in place to protect customers and staff, such as one-way systems and physical barriers. Nightclubs will also close. These tougher restrictions are needed to help control the spread of omicron.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: "Delta will continue to be the main cause of coronavirus infections in Wales up to Christmas. But we are seeing cases of omicron increasing rapidly every day in Wales – and across the UK. We need a plan to keep us safe this Christmas and we need stronger measures to protect us afterwards, as we prepare for a large wave of omicron infections. Omicron poses a new threat to our health and safety. It is the most serious development in the pandemic to date. It is one we must take seriously. We will continue to put in place proportionate measures to protect people’s lives and livelihoods. This is a virus which thrives on human contact. Every contact we have is an opportunity for us to spread or catch the virus."

Everyone to follow five simple steps for a safer Christmas, as the more people we see in the run-up to Christmas, the more opportunities the virus has to spread. Reducing our contact with others, especially if we are seeing older people or more vulnerable people over Christmas, will help to protect them from the virus. To stay safe in the run up to Christmas, the Welsh Government is strongly advising everyone to follow these five measures to stay safe:

  1. Get vaccinated – and if you’ve had your booster appointment, please make attending your priority.
  2. If you’re going out, going Christmas shopping or visiting people – flow before you go. Take a lateral flow test. If it’s positive – don’t go out.
  3. Meeting outdoors is better than indoors. If you’re meeting indoors make sure it’s well ventilated.
  4. Space out your socialising – if you’ve got events arranged, please leave at least a day between them.
  5. And don’t forget about social distancing, wearing a face covering and washing your hands.

The regulations will also be changed to include a requirement to work from home wherever possible. After Christmas, on 27 December new legal restrictions will come into force, to help protect against the spread of the omicron variant.
Drakefrod: "This year a smaller Christmas is a safer Christmas. The fewer people we see, the less chance we have of catching or passing on the virus. Please enjoy Christmas with your nearest and dearest – and think about meeting up with wider circles of friends when the threat posed by the omicron variant has passed over. I also want to thank the many thousands of people who will be working this Christmas to keep us safe – especially all those who have cancelled their plans to work in the vaccination centres across Wales to increase our protection against this awful virus."

14/12/2021 Update: Subject: Plan B for Weddings - The government is yet to update their wedding guidance page, but wedding-specific details have been included in more recently updated documents. The headlines (Note this is the Guidance for ENGLAND, Wales has not yet said anything):

• Masks aren't mandatory in hospitality venues, including wedding venues, where the main activity is eating, drinking, and dancing.
• Venues can ask attendees to wear masks, for example, to move around the venue.
• Most registrars are asking that masks be worn by guests during the ceremony. The law appears to support this as wedding ceremonies are open to the public. Policies vary between districts and we are aware that some have also written to couples to ask for guests to be tested.

Assuming the proposals are passed today, Covid passes won't be required by law for:
• Any type of wedding ceremony of any size
• Wedding receptions with less than 500 guests
• Wedding receptions of any size if organised by the couple
• Wedding receptions of any size in a private house or garden.

For wedding receptions with over 500 attendees organised by a wedding planner or the venue (not the couple), proof of vaccine or a recent test would be required by law for all attendees. This can be the NHS Covid Pass or an alternative proof of test result.

10/12/2021 Update: The First Minister is urging everyone to have their COVID-19 booster vaccine as he warned Wales is facing a new wave of infections caused by the Omicron variant. The First Minister will say, at his regular 21-day review press conference, to be held on Friday (December 10 2021), that even though only a handful of cases of Omicron have so far been confirmed in Wales, we must be prepared for cases to rise quickly and sharply. Omicron was first identified in South Africa just over two weeks ago. It has quickly spread around the world, including to the UK. There is now widespread community transmission in many parts of England and Scotland.

There are a number of other measures people can take to help protect themselves from coronavirus, including the new Omicron variant. The First Minister will ask people to take regular lateral flow tests before going out and to wear face coverings in all public places to help protect people in the lead up to Christmas. Wales will remain at alert level zero after the latest review of the COVID regulations. However, with the spread of the Omicron variant, the Welsh Government is strongly advising:

People flow before they go. This means taking a lateral flow test before going out – whether that’s to a Christmas party; Christmas shopping; visiting friends or family; going to any crowded or busy place or before travelling.
If the test is positive, don’t go out. Arrange for a PCR test and self-isolate. People to wear face coverings in pubs and restaurants, when they aren’t eating or drinking. Everyone must wear face coverings in most other indoor public places, in accordance with the law, including in cinemas and theatres.

The four things you can do to keep Wales safe The First Minister outlined what people can do to help. He said: Take a lateral flow test before going out – whether that’s to a Christmas party; Christmas shopping; visiting friends or family; going to any crowded or busy place or before travelling. If it’s positive, don’t go out. Arrange for a PCR test and self-isolate. Students preparing to leave college and university for Christmas should test before travel. Everyone should wear face coverings in pubs and restaurants, when they aren’t eating or drinking and in most other indoor public places, in line with the law, including in cinemas and theatres. Wherever you can, you should work from home.

Therefore, at Craig Y Nos Castle we have to decipher these rules and how they would affect our customers both attending the Castle for Weddings – including those who are staying the night before there wedding, those attending for Dinner, Bed and Breakfast and those who are spending time with us over Christmas. As follows the below will come into place from Saturday 11th December.

Weddings – Single Night or VIP Wedding Packages over 2 days
Face coverings are no longer required in wedding, civil partnership or alternative wedding ceremonies – however, as there is a requirement to wear Face Coverings now in Cinemas and Theatres we strongly suggest customers wear them, not least bring them to the Castle – this, so if the Registrar states that you have to, then you will have them available.

If you are checking in to the Castle the night prior to a wedding, we request that you wear a face covering whilst checking in and in any setting that is not primarily for serving food – this means we will not ask you to wear a mask in the Function room, The bar or the Conservatory – if you are in our Nicolini Lounge or Breakfast Lounge you will be required to wear a mask unless you are eating or drinking, for the duration of the day prior or after the Wedding Day itself. For the duration of the Wedding Day and Evening Celebration, as you will generally be eating and drinking you will not have to wear a mask, although, the suggestion is that you do, for your own safety. Hand Sanitisation should also be carried out.

What is the legal requirement? Face coverings must be worn in all indoor public places, and public transport, including taxis. You do not have to wear face coverings in places where food and drink is served, such as pubs, cafes and restaurants, whilst eating or drinking. You do not have to wear face coverings in wedding, civil partnership or alternative wedding ceremonies. Where food or drink is consumed in part of a premises, like a department store cafe, or hotel restaurant, you have to wear face coverings on the premises except in the area set aside for eating and drinking.

Dinner Bed and Breakfast and Guests staying the night before a Weddin(excluding a 2 day VIP)
Any guest checking in to the Castle will be required to wear a face covering. We request that you wear a face covering in any setting that is not primarily for serving food – this means we will not ask you to wear a mask in the Function room, whilst dining or in the bar or the Conservatory – if you are in our Nicolini Lounge or Breakfast Lounge you will be required to wear a mask unless you are eating or drinking.

Christmas Celebrations; Any guest checking in to the Castle will be required to wear a face covering.We request that you wear a face covering in any setting that is not primarily for serving food – this means we will not ask you to wear a mask in the Function room, whilst dining or in the bar or the Conservatory – if you are in our Nicolini Lounge or Breakfast Lounge you will be required to wear a mask unless you are eating or drinking.

It would be appreciated of course that you take a lateral flow test before coming to the Castle – If it’s positive, please do not travel. Arrange for a PCR test and self-isolate. The Welsh Government announced that they will know more about how much Omicron has come into Wales, and then we will make another set of decisions when we know the situation we are facing in a week's time – therefore the above rules are subject to change. We as a business think that following these guidelines will allow you to enjoy Weddings and Christmas Celebrations.

All of our Front of House and Wedding Team will be wearing masks especially when dealing with the public – this also means guests to the Castle for Wedding Viewings must wear masks as must any suppliers. Unless they are in the confines of our Reception, behind a screen or at the bar behind the screen. All other staff including our Housekeeping and Maintenance & Building Team will also be required to wear masks. Office staff that are able to work from home, should work from home.

Michael Ludwig, Business Systems and Procedures Manager

The regulations state that as a restaurant and bar meal – Christmas is NOT an event – so there is no Covid Pass requirement. There is No Covid Pass requirement for Wedding Celebrations.

The following are examples of the types of premises that are specifically exempted from the requirement.  Premises at which:
• an outdoor event that does not require an entrance fee or ticket to attend is being held, and where  the event site has multiple points of entry (this would cover, for example, a free fireworks display in a public park, or a farmers market)
• a protest or picket is being held
• a mass participation sporting event is being held outdoors (such as a marathon, triathlon or cycle race)
• the celebration of a marriage or civil partnership, or the life of a deceased person (when such celebrations are taking place) is taking place, for such time as the premises are either being used solely for that purpose or have a separate function area complete with all facilities to avoid mixing between guests attending the event and other people attending the premise. This does not include other life events (for example, birthdays)
• a drive in theatre
• a drive in cinema

A wedding venue, holding an evening reception, providing music for dancing until 1am. This event will not need to apply checks to those attending the wedding, provided there are separate facilities to avoid the need for guests to mingle with other people attending the premises.  However, it could be considered as reasonable as part of the reasonable measures introduced to minimise transmission and spread of the virus as part of the coronavirus risk assessment for the event/activity, especially if there is a risk that wider mixing will take place. Wales remains at alert level Zero.

07/08/2021: Update - Wales to alert level zero.
Wales will move to alert level zero at 6am on 7 August, following the latest review of the coronavirus regulations in Wales. At alert level zero there is no legal limit on the number of people who can meet, including in private homes, public places or at events. Businesses which were required to be closed can re-open, including nightclubs. Premises will have more flexibility about which reasonable measures they take to minimise the risk of coronavirus, tailored to their risk assessment and their specific circumstances.

Face coverings will not be a legal requirement in hospitality settings where food and drink is served, but will be required in most indoor public places. Adults who are fully vaccinated and children and young people under 18 no longer need to isolate if they are identified as close contacts of someone who has coronavirus. We have yet to receive a Welsh Government Update specifically on weddings but within the Hotel itself, masks will not have to be worn whether eating, drinking or walking about. Masks become 'optional' in our function rooms, dining rooms, bar or lounges or conservatory as these are 'hospitality'.  But masks will need to be worn within the Theatre or a Ceremony itself.

As not all customers and not all staff have yet had 2 jabs we'll retain our screens at bar and reception to help protect guests and staff. Hand Sanitiser stations remain. The law states we have to keep people safe so though there's no stated limit to numbers, we'll want to prevent 'crowding' of guests all together and maintain high ventilation. As long as wedding guests are seated there is sufficient spacing that would limit the spread of the virus. In the evening guests are allowed evening buffets, live bands, disco/dj and other entertainment.

The law however does state that anyone showing symptoms of the virus should not attend and if asked to self-isolate by track and trace, where they have had only 1 vaccination, then they should do so. Couples may also choose to invite guests to self-test prior to attending, though presentation of a negative test result to attend a wedding is not a 'requirement'. Lateral Flow Testing Kits can be ordered here:

The POWYS Registrars Office state masks must still be worn in an indoor Wedding Ceremony. "Whilst the legal restrictions on the number of people who can meet indoors is expected to be removed, face coverings will remain a legal requirement indoors in public places, including marriage/civil partnership ceremonies. A marriage/civil partnership ceremony is a public event and therefore staff and guests will be required to wear a face covering throughout the ceremony unless they are exempt. The rules for face coverings for marriage/civil partnership ceremonies therefore remain the same at Alert Level 0 – exceptions can only be made for the couple when walking down the aisle, vows, and photos indoors and first kiss."

We'll provide sanitiser at the entrance to theatre. The Ceremony space must allow sufficient working space and access for the Registrar and Assistant. The Theatre door will remain open. The Registrar can enter the Theatre from the side entrance (if required) and exit from the side, separate from the entrance used by the Wedding Couple or Wedding Guests. Meetings with the Registrars will be in an open and airy room Couples & Staff must wear a mask in any meetings.

All the staff at Craig Y Nos Castle look forward to be able to hold Weddings in a more relaxed, yet safe atmosphere.

15/07/2021: Update following Mark Drakeford's latest announcements - main lifting of restrictions postponed to 7th Aug for Wales.

Q: Will social distancing still be in legislation at alert level one?  Mr Drakeford was asked about the law surrounding social distancing when Wales reaches alert level one.
ANS: He said: "What will be in legislation is for a requirement for a workplace to carry out a risk assessment and to take all reasonable measures to ensure that their workforce and customers are kept safe from coronavirus. Up until now, social distancing has been a slightly separate stand-alone requirement, from now on it will be one of the measures which a business can take. It will be included in the risk assessment and the measures it can take but it will be there alongside the other measures. It will not have disappeared but it will be navigated alongside all the other things which a business can choose to do."

Q: What must remain closed at alert level One?
ANS: “Nightclubs and adult entertainment venues."

Q: What changes from Saturday, August 7?
ANS: These changes are subject to the public health situation staying as it is now.There will no longer be legal limits on the number of people who can meet others indoors, including in private homes. All premises would be able to open and most – but not all – restrictions will be removed and replaced with the ongoing requirement for all organisations and businesses to carry out Covid risk assessments

Face coverings will no longer be needed in hospitality venues but will still be required by law in most indoor public places and on public transport. There will no longer be a firm two metre social distancing rule for businesses and at events if Wales can enter alert level zero next month. At alert level zero, "The reasonable measures to be taken, such as physical distancing and other controls, will be for each organisation to consider depending on the nature of the premises and the risks of exposure to coronavirus identified".

The new coronavirus rules say that it will remain a legal requirement for a coronavirus-specific risk assessment to be carried out by businesses and other organisations which will manage the risk of exposure. "There is already a requirement for employers to ensure the safety of staff and the requirement for an additional coronavirus risk assessment should continue to complement this duty. The requirement to consult staff on the risk assessment will also be retained."

"Most significantly the regulations will no longer give particular prominence to two metre physical distancing as there may now be alternative ways of minimising risk". Mr Drakeford accepted in his press conference on Wednesday that his government is placing a greater emphasis on risk assessments and said it is a new obligation that once a risk assessment is created to ensure the things within it are put into practice. He said he expected that social distancing would continue to be used but said not always at a two metre distance as that isn't always feasible.

Q: What about table service?
ANS: Venues in Wales are still operating at reduced capacity. Hospitality venues unable to sustain the two metre rule have already had to put other mitigating measures in place such as screens, limited times for customers and cleaning schedules. They have also been required by law to have table service. The new rules released today applying from 7th August "will not set out specific requirements for licensed premises such as table service".

Q: And what about weddings?
ANS: Currently, indoor weddings and receptions can go ahead with as many guests as can safely socially distance indoors. It means for many couples there is still an effective cap on the number of their guests. Under the new rules from August 7, it would be up to each venue to determine whether social distancing still needs to be in place at the two metre distance or whether other measures could be put in its place. The risk assessment is a legal requirement and will mean an organiser has to identify the risks and any mitigating measures.


With this round of Welsh Government Updates, and carefully considering what has been said - in my view it means very little to Wedding Venues. 1000 indoors - but, still social distancing. The number at a Ceremony remains the same - table numbers, debatable as 1000 people indoors but socially distanced with a risk assessment. No Nightclubs - meaning no disco, no dancing, no singing and no loud music. However, ambient background music, tables of 6 (specific rules) social distancing, masks and food and drink at tables only.

Roll on 7th August. We of course, look forward to holding your event. Remember we are still not fully open so the chat service or emails are best.

14/07/2021: Update
Wales is set to move fully into coronavirus alert level one from this Saturday, the Welsh Government has confirmed. It means a raft of lockdown restrictions will be eased including a significant increase in the number of people who can meet in private homes and attend indoor events.

Changes from Saturday - alert level one on Saturday July 17

Organised indoor events can take place for up to 1,000 seated.

Q: So do we have to stick to tables of 6?   
ANS: Not 100% sure on the table numbers as it just says up to 1000. Personally I would try and keep it to tables of 6, but 1m apart to mitigate risks or, if they are from either a genuine family living in the same house you can have more than 6 or you can have 2 genuine extended households on same table.

Then some more changes from August 7

From Aug 7th there will be no legal limits on the number of people who can meet others indoors, including in private homes. All premises would be able to open and most, but not all, restrictions will be removed. Masks will not need to be worn in hospitality settings but will continue to be required by law in most indoor public places and on public transport. It means Wales is following a very similar timetable to Scotland which is set to lift all restrictions from August 9. The Coronavirus Control Plan has also been issued today setting out what Alert Level Zero will mean.

There will be no legal limits on the number of people who can meet others, including in private homes, public places or at events. All businesses and premises will be able to re-open. Carrying out a coronavirus risk assessment will continue to be a legal requirement for businesses, employers and event organisers. Businesses, employers and other organisations will still be required to take reasonable measures to manage the risk of coronavirus at their premises. The reasonable measures to be taken, such as physical distancing and other controls, will be for each organisation to consider depending on the nature of the premises and the risks of exposure to coronavirus identified.

People should continue to work from home wherever possible. If you are unwell you should self-isolate and get tested. Face coverings will remain a legal requirement indoors in public places, such as on public transport, in shops and when accessing healthcare. The use of face coverings in the workplace should also be considered by businesses and employers as part of their coronavirus risk assessment.

  • Facebook Review on 12/07/2021: "What can I say!  Absolutely outstanding!  Our wedding was postponed due to the pandemic and you couldn’t do enough for us to ease the stress!  We finally had our day on the 21/06/2021 and it was absolutely perfect and more than we could of imagined!  Your staff and everyone at the castle went above and beyond to make our day as special as possible and you definitely did that!  Everything was stunning from the food, the venue, the service!  We cannot thank you enough and will always remember how amazing our day was and that’s thanks to you all at Craig y Nos Castle! It definitely was a day to remember!  Craig y Nos Castle will always hold many fantastic memories for us!  We are so happy we chose you as our venue and recommend anyone looking to choose here they definitely won’t be disappointed. Wish you all the best. Mr. &  Mrs Joseph."  For more 2021 Facebook Wedding Reviews see here.

18/06/2021: Excerpt from Mark Drakeford's announcement on 17th June:
Wales’ world-leading vaccine programme will speed up second doses over the next 4 weeks – with a planned deployment of more than half a million doses to help prevent a fresh wave of serious illness as cases of coronavirus begin to rise.

The latest figures show there are almost 490 cases of the delta variant in Wales. More than 4 out 5 new Covid cases in Wales are the delta variant and two-thirds of these are not linked to travel or contact with another case, suggesting community spread.

Wales’ coronavirus case rate has risen steadily since the end of May and the positivity rate has more than doubled – but it remains the lowest in the UK. Mark Drakeford says: "In the space of just a few short weeks, the delta variant has entered Wales and quickly spread throughout the country. There is sustained and accelerating transmission, not just in North and South East Wales but in all parts of Wales. It is now the most dominant variant in new cases in Wales. We are once again facing a serious public health situation. We have the lowest coronavirus rates in the UK and the highest vaccination rates for first doses. A 4-week delay in relaxing restrictions could help to reduce the peak number of daily hospital
admissions by up to half, at a time when the NHS is very busy supporting all our healthcare needs – not just treating coronavirus.

..... Although there will be no substantive changes to the rules for a 4-week period – the regulations will be reviewed again on 15 July – some small technical amendments are being made to the coronavirus regulations to make them easier to understand and easier to apply for businesses. These include:

Wales's current wedding rules:

1. No physical contact unless in same bubble.
2. No dancing allowed, but a specific exception can be made to allow a first dance for the couple themselves.
3. Singing, chanting or dancing is not permitted.
4. Background music at low volume can be played during the ceremony and reception.
5. Wedding Photographs wherever possible should be taken outdoors.
6. Close group shots of wedding guests are not allowed unless organised in extended households.
7. The number of people who can attend a wedding or civil partnership reception or wake, organised by a business in an indoors regulated premise, such as a hotel, will be determined by the size of the venue and a risk assessment.

The First Minister added: This week, we reached the target of offering all eligible adults their first dose vaccine 6 weeks ahead of schedule. But those offers won’t help protect people, unless everyone turns up for their first and second dose appointments. I would urge everyone to take up their invitation for a vaccine and to complete the full 2-dose course. It’s the best way we can protect ourselves against this virus.

Martin adds: Oddly there is no suggestion guests should take a lateral flow test the day before attending a wedding, even though this is a twice weekly requirement for our school children over a certain age. And this has also been the system for testing COVID spread at large public events. For your own guests' peace of mind, encouraging everyone to take a free lateral flow test before and after the wedding, would appear a sensible additional safety precaution, but this is just my personal view and not a 'requirement'.

The following controls remain unchanged:
• social distancing
• adequate ventilation
• frequent cleaning
• good hand hygiene

We have since considered what our new wedding guest limits might be (from Monday) and this is what Michael (Business Systems Manager) has worked out we can do:

  • Venues are required to take all reasonable measures to minimise the risk of exposure to coronavirus. For example:
  • customers will be encouraged to pre-book with details of all members of the group.
  • contact details will be required for contact tracing purposes
  • entry to the premises will be controlled
  • licenced premises, such as pubs, will be providing table service only
  • all food and drink should be consumed at tables
  • physical distancing measures will be applied, such as tables being spaced out
  • face coverings must be worn other than when seated to eat or drink
  • You can visit indoor spaces of hospitality venues such as cafés, restaurants, pubs and bars with people you live with or in a group of up to six people from up to six households (not including children under 11 or carers from any of these households).
  • However, if you wanted to visit hospitality venues indoors with people you do not live with, but are part of your extended household, that gathering should contain no more than six people from up to six households at any one time (excluding any carers or children under 11 from any of these households).

So we can confirm 100% at the moment.
  • Theatre - 84 in 7 rows of 6 each side.
  • Function Room - 60 max, if 6 per table (of course this goes lower if people are down to 2, 3 or 4 per table)
  • Conservatory - currently 60 on 10 tables of 6.

But if people have less than 6 per table for instance, then the numbers could be reduced on account of a need for more tables that won't then fit. We have to discuss table plans with each wedding, especially if you take into account kids etc, they are excluded from the number, but still have to be included when distancing!

We should all be grateful we can essentially double from Monday, what we can have today (from 30 to 60). Martin adds: in theory you could use both rooms, doubling the total of 60, but this means splitting the wedding party in two.

17/06/2021: A Covid wedding review: "We'd just like to send our heartfelt thanks to you and all of the team there at Craig Y Nos for making our day so special. We will always remember it as one the happiest day of our lives. Despite the restrictions in place at the time it really didn't feel like a covid wedding and we really have you guys to thank for that!"

Also: At the previous lockdown review, when Wales started to move into Alert Level One, Mr Drakeford said he hoped to announced that up to six people would be able to meet inside private homes from June 21. Other changes would have seen more people to attend indoor events and re-opening ice skating rinks. But as cases are now rising significantly, there are not expected to be any big changes to the rules for the next month. Mr Drakeford is expected to give a press conference updating Wales on his plans tomorrow, Friday, June 18.

14/06/2021 21:24 hrs: While lockdown is being extended for 4 weeks, per Boris Johnson's announcement tonight, the news for weddings is reasonably optimistic. Wales of course will make its own announcements on 21st June. If Wales follows suit and allows wedding numbers to be limited only by the venue's 'social distancing capacity', then our policy of combining an outside marquee alongside the windows of the Conservatory will increase capacity well above the current 30 guest limit. We will only know the allowable guest numbers once we get confirmation from Mark Drakeford on the rules for Wales. 21st June is the next date for Wales's own rule change announcements. Dancing in the evening could still be an issue, as it is in England. In England, dancing is legally not allowed inside, but Wales’s rules may differ. Until Mark Drakeford confirms any relaxation, we have been informed (below) that what happens in England may not be followed in Wales.

04/06/2021: No change to weddings in Wales, no more news until 21st June. Wales may NOT follow whatever England does!
Well 7th June, was the date we (or at least I and probably most of Wales) were expecting that there was going to be some movement in Wedding numbers - specifically the increase from 30 to 50 indoors and from 50 to 100 Outdoors. Last night 3rd June, Mark Drakeford decreed that whilst Wales is moving into Alert Level 1 (good news), he is doing it with a phased approach (bad news).

This is not good for the Wedding Industry, where people expect to be able to get married with more than 30 of their friends and family at their Wedding Breakfast. Up to, and even after 21st June it seems this is not going to happen.

"The move to alert level one will be phased, with outdoor events opening first. Ministers will review the public health situation again, ahead of June 21, to determine whether indoor events can restart"

"The first phase of the move to alert level one means that from Monday June 7: Up to 30 people can meet outdoors, including in private gardens, outdoor hospitality and public places."  On 21st June, there is another review where it is hoped that, "The Welsh Government will consider further changes to the regulations on indoor activity later in the month, if public health conditions allow. These include:

• Rule of six for meeting indoors in private homes and holiday accommodation.
• Increased numbers for indoor organised gatherings and indoor events."

In essence:
• Large outdoor events are set to go ahead once again in the latest announcement of lockdown changes in Wales.
• More people will also be allowed to meet outdoors, with things like parkrun being allowed to resume.
• Outdoor events such as concerts, football matches and sporting activities can go ahead for up to 4,000 people non-seated and 10,000 people seated.
• The size of extended households can be increased to up to three households, and a further household with a single adult or single adult with caring responsibilities will also be able to join.
• The First Minister will announce the changes at a press conference on Friday afternoon.
The wedding industry has been left out of the recent review.

Advice for all weddings who want more than 30 is now for all the remaining weddings in July to ensure they have a pencilled in date further ahead, while those with pencilled in dates, may sadly now wish to fully postpone, as with nothing further announced till 21st June, none of us can really plan for anything with any degree of certainty. We are taking advice on what is allowed inside (and the rules will likely change on 21st June) but it seems the evening party may be held outside in the evenings, as if a concert for 4,000 is allowed outside, then it follows you can have as many as you like for a disco outside. But the weather is a bit of an issue in Wales. As most weddings to mid July have now postponed anyway, we are hoping that 'ending restrictions' will be just a couple of weeks delay, rather than dragging on much longer, otherwise all our Summer weddings will likely move to an 'outside disco' after the formal sit-down wedding breakfast.

22/02/2021: Update following Boris Johnsons' latest Road Map (None of the below can now be relied upon as Wales appears to be diverging from England's roadmap).

Basically large weddings with no limit on numbers cannot take place till 21st June 2021, though Wales may not follow England's and Boris Johnson's "road map".

Three caveats to this:

1. The dates are not cast in stone and the various 'stages' back to normality can be delayed if the COVID data does not support lifting restrictions on the original dates planned.

2. The Welsh Government will not necessarily follow England's lead and may have different dates and number limits. Wales might even allow larger weddings 'earlier', or 'later' - Wales' rules will probably be slightly different.

3. The 21st June date for normal weddings to resume is not guaranteed, but certainly weddings before this date, other than for our Intimate Wedding Package, cannot go ahead as originally planned. For the sake of three or four months, postponement to after June 21st, given how long the perfect wedding is planned for, and given most of our couples have already had to postpone once or twice already to get their perfect day as planned, would seem to be the obvious step to take. This does fit in with our earlier advice (given in January) that all weddings up to end of June should postpone.

The Road Map Explained (notwithstanding Wales will doubtless publish its own possibly different version and timings):

In March, Step 1 allows weddings of six people, which is of no interest to us or our couples!

From April 12, provided UK enters Step 2 then, weddings are allowed for 15 guests, which again is of no interest to us or our couples who have typically 80 - 120 guests invited for their wedding. (They say funerals allow more guests because, "people cannot pick and choose a funeral." - not a helpful comment for Couples who have postponed twice already).

From May 17, in Step 3, you can have 30 guests. Few of our couples would want just 30 guests but this does now allow the Intimate Wedding Package for new bookings. For existing bookings this will be of little interest to most Couples who have probably twice that number of guests invited, given that in a little over one more month, you can have as many as you like to your wedding. However the option of a two day wedding might appeal to some (see 'one idea' below).

From June 21, Step 4, there will be no legal limits on social contact at weddings. The road map is divided into four steps, with each set five weeks apart, in order to allow each step to be data led.

We expect Wales will come up with different rules at some point. Mark Drakeford (chap who decides the rules in Wales) added his own dollop of uncertainty to the whole process with this tweet:

  • "When the Prime Minister sets out his roadmap today, please note this applies to England only. Here in Wales we announced last week that we're using the next 3 weeks to get more students back to school / college and looking at options for re-opening shops and hairdressers. Diolch."

So he has not thought of weddings yet and Wales might well follow a very different 'roadmap!' For now, in the absence of anything else, we will work on the basis Boris's roadmap will be representative of what happens in Wales - more because we all need 'some' certainty, even if it is not really that clear.

The 'data' may delay some of these dates. Or it could even go the other way and we may open up sooner. Micromanaging your guest numbers by Government decree could become politically contentious, but all venues must follow the rules.  

Therefore our advice remains unchanged from below; weddings up to the end of June (or up to 21st now!) are advised to fully postpone, weddings in July and August should pencil in forward dates just in case, but at least July weddings can have SOME optimism their date can go ahead. We would not 100% bank on this yet, which is why we recommend July weddings certainly should pencil in a second reserve date now, just in case the road map gets delayed a couple of months.

Please now read the rest of the advice below as it remains essentially the same.

21/02/2021 Update: With 'social distancing' measures and many COVID restrictions likely to continue through winter 2020/ 2021, our First Half 2021 weddings are postponing to a later 2021 or a 2022 date.

We continue to get enquiries for large weddings in 2021, while many weddings that booked or postponed into March, April and May 2021 have not yet postponed, even though it does not look likely to us that weddings will go ahead in the first half of 2021. Couples are really champing at the bit to have their wedding day. Unfortunately the news about a slow staged release from lockdown places large weddings and events at the back of the queue. We all want the restrictions to end but equally, if someone you invited to your wedding caught COVID, you would feel responsible (as would we). Once all adults are vaccinated (now estimated to be in July), and provided the variants don't defeat the vaccines, I reckon everyone will feel more confident and safe to attend large events.

So with a timeline of July for all adults to be vaccinated, this means August 2021 onwards may have some weddings resume - possibly still limited to 30 or 50 guests even then. All guesswork of course. No one knows.

If weddings are limited to 30, we cannot economically justify holding the wedding and would encourage postponement. If weddings of 50 are allowed, the majority of our Couples will likely postpone, given that by then, the road map to allowing 'no restrictions' on numbers should be clear. If you 'know' in August that you can have a large wedding in a couple of months, you are likely to postpone another 2 months to have the larger wedding of your dreams.

One idea (updated 22/02/2021) I had which might work, if enough people postponed to release a lot of dates, is for anyone with say 60 or so guests, to hold a two day wedding - inviting 30 guests on the first day, and then having the rest of the guests on the second day, thus keeping within whatever number limits apply. This does depend on a lot of dates being freed up and is just an idea we had where a large wedding could still go ahead in 2021 but the Wedding would be split over two consecutive days. The Ceremony would then need to be held twice - once with the Registrar and once with a Celebrant. You'd also need to get your key suppliers booked at a discount for two consecutive days!  So yes, it is a bit of a crazy idea but these are unusual times. This could only work if dates either side of your booking were freed up by others postponing (which is now pretty inevitable). I thought I would mention this as a possible option if guest numbers remain at 30 and your wedding is before 21st June 2021.

On a rolling basis each month we email all upcoming weddings to give us their 'pencilled in' forward date ready to move their date should restrictions remain. 'Lockdown Three' restrictions may last several months. 'England' and 'Wales' rules can diverge. We advise all weddings up to end June 2021 to fully postpone and weddings up to end July 2021 to pencil in forward dates ready to move into. Suppliers are now well used to postponing, but to ensure you can secure a desirable date in the future, early 'pencilling in' is advised.

The pencilling in system and 'rolling forward' of dates is explained lower down this page and will continue as necessary until 'social distancing' measures are lifted sufficiently to allow a normal 'large' wedding to take place. It remains our view that a 'normal' and happy wedding event with all your desired guests present, cannot 'work' as our customers would wish, under social distancing rules, while guest safety is paramount.

It is also very difficult for you to forward plan a larger wedding in such uncertain times, with so many short notice and frequent rule changes.

If you need to swap to a Ceremony Only wedding on your original wedding date, the theatre will be offered to all existing clients, but with no 'event' as such. This is to allow you to legally be married on your original wedding date if you wish and if the Welsh Assembly permits you to. This will be subject to the numbers allowed and any local and regional regulations applicable at the time. You may also, subject to availability and any then applicable rules, book Dinner, Bed and Breakfast or a meal for guests, for a small Reception following the Ceremony.

You then hold your full wedding event on the postponed date, typically an anniversary or significant personal date one year hence, using a Celebrant for the postponed full 'Wedding Ceremony', with all guests present.

For 'Ceremony Only' weddings, using the Opera House Ceremony room only, read more here.

With a Legal Wedding Ceremony on your original date and the main event in 2021 or later, you have the 'legal part' separated from the 'Wedding Ceremony' and postpone the main Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Reception and Party with all your guests present, to the later date. See how to do this on our Ceremony Only page here.

23/03/2020: Following the Prime Minister's statement the Castle is closed other than for security, key management personnel and live-in maintenance staff.  Please can everyone email us rather than phone us. Or use the Chat Service on the website. Wedding Planners working still from home can still take incoming emails and answer queries on our chat service but cannot take phone calls. For our email addresses, refer please to the Contact Us Page.

Please continue reading this page for full details of our postponement policy and procedure.  

We prefer not to book in any larger weddings for dates before 2022. By then we hope that full weddings can resume. You can book a Last Minute Wedding Package on the months in green - see the 2021 Calendar or an Intimate Wedding Package instead.

You get free postponement on your existing terms and tariff, if you need to move forward due to coronavirus restrictions.
Coronavirus News

See also 'Customer Information' for updates as we add them

24/03/20: Following the Prime Minister's statement on 23/03/20 the Castle is now closed other than for security, key management personnel and live-in maintenance staff. So there is 'generally' no one to receive incoming calls. The majority of reception, front of house, wedding planning staff are now furloughed and required to stay at home. Please can everyone email us rather than phone us. Or use the Chat Service on the website. Wedding Planners working from home can take incoming emails and answer queries on our chat service but cannot take phone calls. For our email addresses, refer please to the Contact Us Page.

Update 20/12/2020:
The castle is once again closed due to the latest lockdowns. Weddings cannot currently take place at the castle. In our view, with a new faster spreading mutation of the Coronavirus, full closure and lockdowns are likely to continue for some months until the vaccine roll-out is well under way.

Weddings up to end of June 2021 are invited to contact us to pencil in forward dates in 2022. Jan Feb and March 2021 weddings should now fully postpone. (Note we are closed from 23rd December till 4th January and emails and transfer requests will be dealt with from 5th January). We anticipate weddings will not be able to resume until circa May/ June 2021. This is based on the Government's extension of the Furlough Scheme to the end of April 2021 (which occurred prior to recent concerns about the new mutation of the virus). After May (if not possibly before), while weddings may be able to resume in some form, it is probable there will be continuing restrictions on numbers allowed, on drinks service, with social distancing likely to continue, affecting your ability to have a dance and party in the evening etc.

The removal of all the COVID regulations is unlikely to be 'instant'. Rules our clients may consider unacceptable could continue for a while. Subject to the Tier you are in being allowed into Wales and subject to the regulations in Wales at the time of your booking, postponement or Ceremony Only, your choices remain the same as in 2020: 1. Postpone fully, free of charge, into 2022 or 2023. 2. Have a Ceremony Only on the original date and the main event a year later using a Celebrant for the repeat Wedding Ceremony in front of all your guests. 3. Have a smaller wedding under our Intimate Wedding Package instead, if restrictions require you to have fewer guests on the date of your wedding. Our charges remain the same irrespective of your original date being postponed a year or even two years ahead. We do not increase rates for existing clients who postpone.

What size of wedding might you be allowed in each month of 2021?  Here is a guesstimate by our Business Manager Michael Ludwig (this is pure conjecture and is just to give you an idea of what we think might happen): "Whilst, personally I would envisage that by September 2021 we should be able to have 40 at a wedding (I am basing this on 15 from around January to March, 30 for May and June, 40 for July and August and then 50 from September – we can never know what might happen as we saw over the weekend how the country was plunged into a worse position than it was when we spoke last."

Update 04/11/2020:
Weddings up to 30 guests were permitted in Wales but a new limit of 15 guests has now been introduced. We cannot offer weddings at this number as it is below the Min Req for the Intimate Package. Hopefully from March 2021 onwards the permitted numbers will increase again but limits on guest numbers may continue for a few months in first half of 2021.

Update 24/09/2020:
Following recent announcements by the British Government that restrictions 'in England' are 'likely to continue for another 6 months', and indications that further restrictions may be introduced over the winter, it is advisable that weddings within this six month period - namely up to 31st March 2021 - now pencil in secondary reserve dates under our pencilling in of forward dates, ready to transfer into if necessary. You may be concerned that either the original date may not go ahead or you may feel that restrictions at the time may not allow you to have the number of guests you wished to have, or that evening entertainment still cannot go ahead etc.

Note that in Wales the limit on weddings remains at 30, so unusually Wales did not follow England's lead in reducing weddings to 15 guests. We may be seeing a divergence between England and Wales on wedding numbers. Note the differing viewpoint expressed in Wales by Mark Drakeford indicating that the current limit for Weddings indoors, in Wales at least, will remain at 30 and he even stated, "If there isn't evidence that it is causing harm then I think that will point us in the opposite direction." (My Italics). This means we could continue to see weddings in Wales allowed for higher guest numbers than in England. This is of course all very hypothetical.

To set your mind at ease, given the ever changing virus and government restrictions, for weddings booked up to 31st March 2021 we do now recommend a further forward pencilled in date now be given as a backup to your original date.

Whilst of course this is only guidance, pencilling in early forward alternative dates in good time allows you to choose a date now, as opposed to in a few months’ time finding the date that you were looking for or would have considered as an alternative, has in turn been taken by a new booking or another existing wedding transferring forward.

Meanwhile existing weddings booked well in advance, who are less likely to need to move (wedding dates after 1st June 2021, for example) should now ensure that if you wish guests to stay overnight on the night before your date, that you do confirm their bookings now, ahead of any other wedding booking the night before your date or transferring their date forward into the night before your wedding.

We are now extending the transfer forward / 'pencilling in of future dates' window up to October 2023. As usual there is no charge for transferring if due to COVID and as usual you are able to retain all your existing 2020 or 2021 tariff and contract terms irrespective of any future price increase that will apply to 'new' bookings on these later years.

Early 'pencilling in' of forward dates is encouraged for the period of weddings booked up to 31st March 2021, especially if you feel your guest numbers may not be possible under any likely restrictions still applying to weddings at the time of your planned wedding date (though we are quite unable to predict what these restrictions might then be). Also, early pencilling in should mean other suppliers are available to accept your forward booking, whereas putting off planning a pencilled in forward date may mean your existing suppliers are not all available.

Update 03/09/2020:
Remaining September and October 2020 weddings should now complete pencilling in of new dates or full transfers forward to 2021.

Advice from Govt re Wales remains: "Another reason for which you are allowed to leave your local area is to attend a marriage or civil partnership ceremony. Places of worship may be opened for the solemnisation of marriages and the formation of civil partnerships subject to the maintenance of social distancing measures and these venues will be able to decide whether they want to open for such purposes. This will mean that limited ceremonies can take place in these venues and in register offices. This does not extend to receptions or other celebrations that many will want to enjoy as part of their wedding. Tackling coronavirus does not allow us to go further at this stage."

All AUGUST weddings have postponed. Regulations will keep changing, with more relaxation of rules probable around Mid-August.  You can read further analysis from our Business and Systems Manager; see up to date legal position on weddings here.

Current restrictions include social distancing, no disco, no music, no shouting at each other, no dancing, either 10 or 30 (numbers allowed are different in Wales to England!) to what amounts to a Ceremony only, no congregating at the bar, no morning breakfast can be served, guests kept apart (aside from those within their own family bubbles), etc, etc. I.e. not a wedding as any Couple would have intended, hoped for, or dreamed of. However if any August Couple wants a Ceremony only, with their main event in 2021 using a celebrant, this looks possible in August. See later on this page for this idea. We first thought of this back in March and now Ceremony Only weddings are becoming a possible solution for Couples to at least legally get married on their original date but with no actual wedding reception; they then have their full wedding reception and party free of all restrictions in 2021.

Advice in England says parties with loud music must not take place as the virus may be transmitted by people shouting at each other above the noise, transmitting the virus by aerosol spray from mouth. There is some very complex guidance about this, for venues in England, but in Wales, which has different rules, the answer re whether you can have a normal wedding yet, is a simpler, NO!  For the Ceremony Only option, for anyone wanting to marry on their original date, this is subject to the Registrar confirming when they will do weddings. Further on this page, we discuss the Celebrant route for the later event, if you go down the 'Ceremony Only in 2020, Wedding Party in 2021' route.

Update 12/06/2020: Weddings in August 2020:
On Friday 8th May, Mark Drakeford (First Minister) for Wales indicated that there would be little change in the lockdown rules for Wales. Garden Centres would open on Monday 11th May and people were allowed out more than once to exercise. He made it quite clear that the Welsh Government's message remained to “stay at home”. On Sunday 10th May, Boris Johnson indicated to “stay alert” and that “you can travel by car” to exercise. This gave little indication as to the opening up of businesses within the Hospitality Industry. Maybe by July, with some degree of social distancing measures, “some hospitality” businesses may partially open. However as of mid-June, no further indication of future re-opening of wedding venues has been given. We believe 'large gatherings' are likely some way off.

We anticipate this means for August 2020, Craig Y Nos Castle will remain unable to open sufficiently to undertake large social gatherings as in Weddings or Events. We believe that while “pubs and bars” may be able to open, social distancing rules with outside catering will become the 'new normal'. We now advise all August 2020 weddings to postpone their weddings. We apologise for the inconvenience this all causes for you. We know our summer 2020 weddings had hoped they would not need to postpone, though there was always the risk that you would need to eventually.

As you will know from visiting this page previously, we offer a free postponement service so you can transfer your existing wedding package to a new date up to 31st March 2022. There is no postponement fee and no increase in rates. You keep the same terms as your existing package that you booked and retain its pricing regardless of how far ahead you rebook for (up to 31st March 2022). Your wedding guest accommodation is simply copied en bloc to the new dates, so everything remains exactly as it was, but is simply moved to the new date.

September weddings will shortly be contacted by our Wedding Manager to ensure that you have pencilled in back up date and to advise you of any options in place. We will however wait until the next Government Announcement in respect to September. You can for now 'pencil in' (reserve) a new date first, then check with the Registry Office and other suppliers (particularly DJ, Photographer, Cake Maker and Wedding Cars) to check their availability on the new date. You can then 'confirm' the new date to us when ready to move, and we enter your new date on the Wedding Calendar.

Michael Ludwig, our Business Manager, offers his opinion as of 12/06/2020:

  • "If restrictions in Wales are lifted so that Hospitality business can re-open (based on current “rumours”), I believe there will be too many regulatory issues surrounding social distancing, wearing of facemasks and lowering of numbers so that you can’t have the number of guests planned. Along with complex rules about evening meals and breakfasts, this may make the wedding less enjoyable than anticipated, not least you may not be able to have the guests that were originally invited. If it were me, I would be looking to seriously plan for an alternative date and check and confirm with other suppliers, still keeping maybe August and September as a back-up, in case things may go ahead then. We will of course keep all our customers advised and currently the earliest that we think an announcement will be made will be 21st June (for England) and 28th June (for Wales). I personally believe that from 4th July, the hospitality industry could open to serve take-away drinks in gardens on a self-service basis, with some customers being served outside. We though are choosing NOT to open at all in July and will make further announcements on August September and beyond as soon as more information is available. Rules may be relaxed further – they may well say in month xxx, you can only do X, Y and Z, but come middle of month xxx, may say that you can now do X, Y and Z along with A, B and C."

While we are unaware when any restrictions are to be lifted, we now advise August 2020 weddings to move their date. September dates should pencil in an alternative summer 2021 date (but for now you may choose to retain your original 2020 September date in place as well, just in case). Should current restrictions be lifted you may still be able to marry at the Castle on your original September 2020 date but we are no longer confident social distancing will be removed by then. The 14 day air-travel quarantine is also an unexpected new factor affecting some guests' ability to attend a wedding.

You might find you can have a 'legal Ceremony only' on your original date (with no guests or very few guests all socially distanced, and no event) and then have the fuller 'Wedding Ceremony' with all guests present, and your full wedding event, a year later, in 2021. This option, which involves hiring a Celebrant for the postponed full wedding ceremony, is explained here (and also lower down this page) and could become the way to go, in a partial lifting of lockdown.

I can appreciate that this is an upheaval and will cause inconvenience but by working through this together, we can move forward and make your new wedding day every success. The aim is to hold your full wedding as normal, once normality returns. We can postpone dates as required until normality does return. Normality one would expect and hope, should return by next Summer at the latest!

Accommodation & Non Wedding Events up to September 2020:
As we are unable to serve food or drink, any accommodation bookings or non-wedding events will also need to be postponed. As this advice is continually updated we advise you to check this webpage every couple of weeks or so for any updates.

When to postpone to:
To reduce the risk of having to postpone your wedding date again, we suggest you move quite far ahead. Perhaps it is better to shift a year into Summer 2021 to reduce the chances of having to postpone again should there be a 'second wave'. You can transfer your existing wedding package to a new date up to 31st March 2022 with no postponement fee and no increase in rates, when keeping to the terms of the existing package booked.

Please let us know some alternative dates that may be suitable up to March 31st 2022. We are requesting that you pencil a new date and then check with the Registry Office and other suppliers (particularly DJ, Photographer, Cake Maker and Wedding Cars) to check availability and then confirm that date to us so we can then confirm your booking and guest accommodation. We will rebook everything seamlessly into the new date and confirm all your Guest Accommodation into the new date also. Wedding Guests do not need to rebook directly as we will rebook them automatically - they only need to let us know if they cannot attend on the new date.

OLD UPDATES NOW FOLLOW - Adjusted for current advice

Update 20/03/2020 21:08  It is with regret that due to the ongoing coronavirus situation that Boris Johnson on Friday 20/03/2020 at 17:03 advised that Pubs Clubs Restaurants Cafes and Bars are to close at midnight on 20/03/2020. Until further notice we are unable to service any weddings, events or accommodation. Please read our Coronavirus Page (below) for full details of our postponement policy and procedure.


We can transfer all dates and all bookings remain 'do-able' as they have been organised - it is just the dates need changing due to the Pandemic. However this is awful for all our Brides and Grooms, who have worked so hard to organise their Special Day and now have to arrange everything for a later date. People were astounded at the speed in which their lives were turned upside down, but this period will pass. Things will get better. Do not worry. The most important thing is everyone strives to stay safe and well.

Transfers to any available date are free, and we hope all our suppliers will allow free transfer too. The range of available dates in 2021 may diminish as more 2020 weddings move but currently still looks to have good availability. While some went into Oct Nov and Dec 2020, reducing pressure on 2021, we are now seeing these months postpone in turn. So it may be safer to move into 2021.

Which months need to move now? August 2020 weddings should confirm new dates now. If your wedding is in September, please get your reserve 2021 dates in now. We will hold a reserve date indefinitely while you consider what to do. We currently advise you leave your September 2020 date intact, with a pencilled in future date in reserve just in case, then wait to see if the quarantine is lifted.

October onwards can for now play a 'wait and see' game to see how the pandemic comes under control. Email addresses for your wedding planner are here.  Please only now contact Nicola as she remains unfurloughed.

Update 14/04/2021 (adjusted as of 11th May 2020): For Accommodation booked in May-July 2020, due to the uncertainty of being open (not least no official announcement on when lockdown restrictions or food service in Hotels/Restaurants are being lifted) and with all of our events and accommodation up to end of July now postponing, all related May to July Accommodation Bookings are now postponed. Wedding Guest B&B is automatically moved into the new dates for the postponed wedding so no action is required by the individual guests. We remain unclear when the Castle should be up and running fully, but currently consider Sept/ Oct 2020 a 'possibility'. Accommodation bookings would not normally have paid and therefore no monies will be debited from guests' accounts or charged until they occupy their rooms.

Added 24/03/2020 (adjusted 11th May 2020):  We have a set routine going where we postpone all weddings three months in advance. We are introducing an indefinite reserve system for the following three months whereby further forward dates can keep their original date for now, AND reserve a second date in case they need to move. We need to be ready for more postponements by having weddings 4-6 months ahead pencil in a future date ready to move into.

If we can get everyone lined up with secondary reserve dates a year forward, we are able to offer some certainty as much as one can, to all our booked weddings. We review the situation monthly on a rolling basis. There could be a rolling period of trading dates and non trading dates, which means we need to be able to position everyone so if it is a ‘go’ for their original month, they can ‘go’ and if it is not, they go into their reserved second date, again on a rolling basis. Weddings up to three months ahead need to book foward dates, while weddings 4-6 months ahead are advised to pencil in their secondary reserve dates, ready to transfer forward in their turn if necessary.

The old updates below are retained for now but large sections will be deleted once we decide which information is completely redundant. We do apologise for the length of this page and all the changing information on it. But do read it all to understand the sequence and procedure to move and reserve dates.


What if you want to get married on the original date?  If 'the venue' as in the Opera House is allowed to re-open and the registrar will marry you (we now anticpate this will be from 01/09/2020), we may in some version of a partial lifting of the lockdown be in a position where we can at least marry a couple just on their own with a couple of witnesses and the registrar on their original date. You would then have the Wedding Day, Reception, and Party on a later date with a Celebrant creating the "Wedding Ceremony". Here is a celebrant: Helen Williams / Wedding & Family Celebrant - contact her on / 07986 526732.

This would enable those who want to be married, to actually be married, but as the bar and restaurant may still be closed, the rest of your event may still be shunted forward a year or so. Only the few guests the Registrar could allow (in any partial lifting of lockdown) would be able to attend. There would be no welcome drinks or event. At present, per 23/03/20 PM Statement, NO weddings are allowed, but this may in future be relaxed to allow very small groups of guests (e.g. 5 or no more than 10), while not allowing a full event. This is hypothetical for now (but as of June 2020 is becoming 'actual').

We will not charge for use of the venue or theatre for the Ceremony Only in this way, with whatever guests the Registrar allows. We can only offer this if it is legally possible to do this. You may also all have to stand or sit two metres apart from each other - with only ten guests there is enough space to do this in the Opera House. Just as we went into total quarantine in a series of steps, so we might come out of quarantine in a series of 'reverse' steps, as restrictions are lifted gradually. As of September 2020 you might find you can get married on your original date but STILL not have the party and reception and full event till later, hence the need for you to have the 'two dates' with a second date in reserve for the main event.

You'd then go down the celebrant route for the postponed 'wedding ceremony' having already got married with however many guests you are allowed, IF allowed.

Owner Martin Gover adds: Please follow the advice on this page on postponements.

A pencilling in forward reserving of alternative postponed dates will apply to weddings 4-6 months ahead unless you are ready to commit to a new date sooner.

Weddings in the next 3 months to rebook into a future date now.

However any wedding that chooses to give up completely on 2020 as a year, to be sure of a date in 2021, should contact us ASAP as the 2nd half of the 2021 year will begin to fill up now as the 2020 Summer Season moves into Summer 2021.

Midweek dates can only book into midweek dates. Weekends should have enough 2021 dates to move into, as some clients have gone into Oct, Nov and Dec 2020.

Those wanting two nights in order to have guests stay the night before in the same room will need to consider WED-VIP.  Weekend VIP weddings are the two day, two night deal - an exclusive whole weekend package. However we do not have many weekends available for WED-VIPs for 2021, so WED-VIPS are limited to Thursday and Friday combinations.

For those wanting more information and reassurance, the Managing Directors thoughts and Views on what is going on can be further read here but please read the whole of this Coronavirus Page first.

16/03/2020 update - 19:35 hrs: Following the Prime Minister's statement, asking people 'not to go to pubs, clubs, restaurants and theatres and to avoid all unnecessary social contact', the advice below on the continuation of weddings is already becoming out of date. Never have we seen things move so fast.

17/03/2020 09.10 - see letter written by Michael Ludwig, Business Manager, here.   Some of this letter is now out of date.

Update 17/03/2020 10.55. Registrar's advice sought; what the Registrar told us this morning is below (25/03/2020: this is now out of date): “They have a statutory duty to register births, deaths and marriages unless in accordance with the law they are legally restricted to do so and/or advised by the General Registrars Office. They have however said, that in accordance with good health guidelines they will do their interview in a larger office, they will limit their socialising whilst on the premises and won't be shaking hands. They have not updated their website and don’t have any email/circular to issue but anyone who wishes any re-assurance can call them or email them.”

Update 19/03/2020 12:57  Registrar this morning at 11.55  “Whilst other registry offices and/or local government and Churches are prohibiting gatherings in excess of 10 the POWYS registry office are still going ahead, but naturally 'safely operating' within the realms of the NHS and PHW guidelines". (25/03/2020: this is now out of date):

Update 20/03/2020 21:50 The Registrars at Powys when we spoke too them this morning had opted to reduce Wedding Ceremony size allowed to 10 guests. Options remain as below, but in addition are as follows: If you still wish to hold your wedding, the actual legal part of the Ceremony can only take place with ten guests in attendance. The other elements of the wedding such as the Photographs, the Welcome Drinks, the Banquet etc will all need to skip forward to a new date.(25/03/2020: this is now out of date):

If it becomes possible for you to still marry with ten guests or less present on the original date of your wedding, then we will. If you do marry on your original date, and then postpone the Wedding Reception, you will need a Celebrant to create a "wedding ceremony" in which you will make vows again (but this time not the legal ones) witnessed by your wider friends and family. Here is a Celebrant: Helen Williams / Wedding & Family Celebrant - contact her on / 07986 526732.  Your decision is currently not yours as to whether to hold your wedding now (with fewer guests) or to postpone in accordance with the advice below. You now do have to postpone your Wedding Reception and Party

Update 20/03/2020 18:30 (adjusted 11/5/2020) Dates 4-6 months ahead could try a wait and see approach. You may still be able to marry with a handful of guests on your original date and then have a Celebrant for all guests to attend a postponed Wedding Reception date later in 2020 or in 2021. This would allow you to have a repeat of the Wedding Ceremony but it would mean paying an extra fee to the Celebrant if you wanted this arrangement. Having a Celebrant not only "feels" like a traditional wedding ceremony - it IS "the ceremony" to celebrate your marriage, in which vows will be said, albeit not the legal ones, in front of all your friends and family.

Or you just get married on the new later date, booking the Registrar forward, and 'write-off' the original date. We were mainly moving the next two months dates forward but now anticipate weddings at least 3 months ahead will need to move.

Our phones are now not manned due to furloughing staff, so please also use the 'contact us' page to email your wedding planner direct if you cannot get through on the phone. Our chat service is also a quick way to speak to us if the phones are not answered promptly - but again if you persist you can get through!

Update 23/03/2020 11:00 (adjusted 11th May 2020): The Castle will remain closed until at least end of May July August September 2020 but by then we should know more about when we can re-open. We had hoped the closure was to be only for 12 weeks as per Boris Johnson's original stated plans. Of course, no one knows. We are reviewing this month by month and are informing all couples of their options in the event that this virus continues.

Weddings four or more months ahead: For now you probably do not need to postpone a wedding four or more months ahead, as, for all we know, we could be open by then. You could be moving dates unnecessarily. Weddings four months ahead should hold fire and see what happens in the next few weeks. You can make a decision at any time to postpone and all postponements are free if due to coronavirus. Remember that once your wedding date is postponed, you may struggle to get back into an earlier date even with attractive Last Minute deals that may be available from suppliers. Once you have 'committed' yourself to a new date with all suppliers etc, you won't want to do it all again to get back to your original date.

There is a way we can help you and this is by inviting you to ‘pencil in’ a future reserve date now. This means we will hold two dates for you. Weddings four or more months ahead please contact us to ‘pencil in’ a 2nd reserve date. We know this is a stressful time for everyone, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Although we are closed, Nicola is still available to answer emails and is working from home.

Below written on 16/03/2020 -  as much of this is now out of date I am crossing out sections that are now wrong.

We have sought clarification from the Registrar and they have advised on the continuance of weddings as above. We may be moving faster than we expected towards a situation where there is a legal requirement to postpone weddings en bloc. This situation has now arisen. The recommended phone number for our Clients to ring for updates direct from the Registrar’s Office is 01597 827468. Email is

Moving a period of weddings (say 3 - 4 months' worth) into the same period next year was anticipated in our earlier comments and policy (which still apply). While we had been preparing for this as per the advisory notes below, should it become necessary, we had anticipated there would be a longer period of notice before any weddings had to be moved. Weddings do now NEED to be moved for dates up to 3 months ahead and forward reserve dates pencilled in for dates 4-6 months ahead (latter do not need to actually move yet, in case we are then open again).

The Prime Minister's daily statements render out of date some of what was written below. However the policy on wedding postponements remains the same. Our policy is that we will enable the bloc transfer of wedding dates into forward dates at no charge, from any date required, and for any period of time required by the Government, as we are so advised. Over the last few days it has often been unclear on when and even if what is 'advised' or 'asked', will become 'required'. For a few days there was a moral choice, which people were asked to balance against their social responsibility to society at large. This probably wasn't enough, so rather quickly what was optional has become 'required'. We all have had to quickly catch up and realise we have 'no choice' as 'the law' changes and old freedoms are suspended. Whenever we speak to the Registrar's office they say words to the effect, We will marry people until the Government says, "No you can't." (25/03/20 - now you can't!)

We note that not only our own advice on (B) and (C) below is now being implemented by the Government, but that 'all' social events are advised to be put on hold. However the PM's initial statements were 'asking'. This position has changed daily in the last few days.

As of 16/03/2020 13:00 hrs (updated 20/03/2020 20.15 hrs), we know of no cases of Coronavirus at Craig y Nos or in our immediate area of South Wales. All weddings and events are now suspended until further notice - basically until advised they can start again by the Government. Infections are on the rise in the UK, and the coronavirus is probably more widespread than tests have so far identified. People appear to be contagious before symptoms are known, and can be contagious for a period after they have recovered. (25/03/2020 this is now out of date - we do not know the situation in our area now).

Government advice was that anyone with flu like symptoms should remain at home and in self-isolation. We (had understood) that government advice may change such that in the future it may be advised that family members of an infected person should also self-isolate. This, if it happens (it now has), would fit in with the idea that people are contagious before they develop symptoms.

We had advised Wedding Clients to

(A) not invite guests who are suffering symptoms - whom the Government says should self-isolate, and
(B) not invite guests living in households with other family members who are suffering symptoms, and
(C) not invite the elderly and those with existing medical conditions to weddings, as vulnerable people should in our opinion stay away from social gatherings.

(A) above complies with Government Advice, (B) and (C) went beyond current (for 'current' read pre 17.00 hrs 16/03/20) Government Advice but appeared to us to make sense. Government advice will change (has quickly changed) as the disease spreads.  Keep Calm & Carry on has changed to something more serious.

We then extended our advice to (D) below:

(D) Pay attention to where there are peaks in infection and do not invite guests from these peak infection areas. Consider seriously whether to postpone and have a larger wedding next year, or a smaller one this year.

Of course all this has moved on now. We wish everyone well, and look forward to seeing you all in a few months.

Older Information continues below:

Last weekend (14/03/20 - an aeon ago now!) we wrote: News reports suggest that the spread of the disease is unavoidable, and Government policy is to slow it down to avoid peak demand swamping the NHS, rather than to quarantine the entire population and prevent its spread. A commentator on Radio 4 explained the inadvisability of quarantining the population by comparing the situation to a car parked on a hill with the handbrake on. If you left the handbrake on it would not roll down the hill, but when you release the handbrake, it is still on a hill and will still roll down it. The suggestion was that quarantining the population would prevent or slow its spread, but once everyone was out of quarantine, its spread would then resume, because the population has not yet built up any resistance to this new virus. The car would still roll down the hill.

Hence the Government's emphasis is (was) not on prevention, but on 'delay'. Government scientists wanted 'herd immunity' to develop, rather than try to prevent the virus from spreading completely, only for it to come back in the winter. However this policy was questioned and more restrictions on movement soon followed. Like you, we are watching the news and keeping ourselves informed, day to day. Rather than make any further comment ourselves (we are not really qualified to do so!) we refer you to the Sources of Government Information & Advice here.

Customer Information

16/03/20  13:00

Postponement Notice Waived if postponement is due to Coronavirus

Due to rapidly changing headlines re possible enforced closures of venues, pubs and schools, and the imminent self-isolation of those over 70, we have today removed the notice period on wedding postponements provided you book into a new date at the time of postponement.

Therefore, should you postpone at any stage due to the coronavirus we will postpone weddings with no postponement fee charge, if you have to postpone your wedding at very short notice. This should alleviate any concerns you have with regards to loss of monies already paid.

Should you decide/ should the government decide that your wedding needs be postponed, the only thing we will be unable to do is refund monies paid or waive any monies that would be due under our contractual terms. Monies paid will be retained and simply moved to another date.

We anticipate a block of 2020 weddings during any quarantine will move to 2021. If the Government closes pubs etc., for a set period of ‘peak infection’, then all weddings in that period will need to skip forward. This has now occurred. We recommend you look at the 2021 Availability Calendar now. You can postpone straight into an available date.

You may consider postponing to Nov or Dec 2020 (the first available date range) – the choice is yours. However you may prefer to move forward one full year as a minimum. By then Coronavirus should be ‘sorted out’ – we hope.

Update 17/03/20 11:08 Events have moved fast. We spoke to the Registrar this morning and they advise there is no legal requirement to stop weddings.  As of 20/03/20 we interpret a wedding with 10 guests can take place, but no event, dining or drinking can take place so the 'Wedding Reception' must be postponed.

As long as the Registrar says they are prepared to marry you then the law does still allow weddings to take place and we will honour your wedding date for the wedding only in accordance with the Registrar's stipulations. The Registrar may at some point give a cut-off date. They will be closely monitoring Government advice and advising us in turn. We will take our cue from the Registrar. If the Registrar says they can marry you, then 'the law' is that your wedding can still go ahead as planned.  Just not the 'Event' you had planned. But we suggest you visit this page regularly! We are updating this page the instant anything changes.

Also please read ALL the documents below but allow for the fact some of the information on the documents may be out of date.

Timeline & Links to Publications/ Advice to Wedding Clients by Craig y Nos Castle on Coronavirus


This explains how we are pencilling in provisional postponed dates ahead of you actually postponing a date. This allows you to have two dates in the system - your current wedding date and a provisional second date held ready for you, should you need to postpone your wedding into the provisional 'forward' date.


The above is a letter sent to all wedding clients advising on Hygiene & Coronavirus, reassuring clients that at the moment all weddings are going ahead as normal, and referencing the two documents below etc.


Subjects covered: Much of the below is now out of date as of 20/03/20. You can no longer buy wedding insurance. Weddings Receptions must be postponed. Etc.

1. Weddings versus ‘Large Public Gatherings’
2. Ask Guests with Symptoms to ‘Self-Isolate’,
3. Reductions in Guest Numbers; your Contractual Guarantees and Minimum Number Requirements,
4. Possible Government Interventions & Outcomes,
5. Postponements and Cancellations,
6. Period of Postponement,
7. Should you postpone your wedding?
8. Instalment Plans & Wedding Insurance.
9. New Couples Booking Weddings in 2020, 2021 and beyond.

06.03.2020 Letter to Wedding Clients who are Concerned Most of the below is now not relevant.

Subjects covered:

1. Guidance for Venues
2. Cleaning Routine
3. Postponements
4. Sources of Government Information & further links
Sources of Government Information & Advice

Visit Wales and the Welsh Government are carefully monitoring the ongoing situation with regards to the Corona Virus and will review and adjust planned activity according to the situation.

Visitors are encouraged to check the latest travel and health advice available and

businesses are advised to visit Business Wales for the latest guidance for Welsh businesses.

Acas has published advice for employers on dealing with the new coronavirus outbreak. The risk of catching coronavirus (COVID-19) in workplaces is currently low.

It's still good practice to make sure everyone at work follows simple hygiene rules, such as:

• washing hands thoroughly with hot water and soap

• using tissues when sneezing or coughing and throwing them away in a bin

For further guidance on Coronavirus please visit the following websites:


• BEIS - guidance for employers and businesses

Click here for update from Visit Britain on the latest information and advice for businesses.

The UK Government announced in a press release on 4 March that statutory sick pay will be made available from day one when self-isolating.

Below is the current WHO advice to Hotels
Letter from Michael Ludwig (Business & Procedures Manager at Craig y Nos Castle) written 23.11 hrs 16.03.2020

As far as I am concerned the following was said by Boris:

• Mr Johnson said the risk of transmission of the disease at sporting events was relatively low, "but obviously, it's right that we should extend that advice to mass gatherings as well".

• "You should avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues," he said.

However, he stopped short of forcing venues to close, leaving some in the affected industries in limbo.

Therefore and until legally compelled to do so, or until such time and excuse the perhaps blasé comment until we have no staff and no food the Castle remains open for business as usual. We of course are of the opinion that should a customer choose not to get married on their original date, we will look to postpone at no cost.

In Scotland they have banned and cancelled mass gatherings of 500 people or more.

"Staff should work from home." The comments he made, in my opinion are not legally binding and the use of the word "should", indicates that if they can they should of course. This is ok for staff working in an office environment and indeed I could work at home, as I don't meet the public face to face or deal with customers on a daily basis. Clearly, working from home is impractical for a large proportion of the population.

So tomorrow and for the avoidance of doubt:

• Although we heard from the Registrars mid afternoon, who commented that until they were legally advised not to do so, they will continue to perform “ceremonies” – we shall be asking them again for clarification on Tuesday.

• We will speak to our food & drink suppliers and launderers – to ensure we have the ability to serve our customers and for them to sleep.

If the answers to those questions are of the affirmative – then we will remain open – “although, in order to account for traceability” it would be of my opinion that we limit access to the Castle to the casual drinker or diner and permit only booked guests/wedding guests (however, that is my opinion).

From an advisory point of view therefore

• If one person in any household has a persistent cough or fever, everyone living there must stay at home for 14 days
• By next weekend, those with the most serious health conditions must be "largely shielded from social contact for around 12 weeks"

Therefore it would be advisable that anyone falling into these categories are not invited to any wedding or event. (I am personally of the view that anyone who has also been on a cruise ship in the last 14 days should also self isolate before attending an event.

Of course, at the end of the day the wedding client being yourself ultimately has to decide whether you wish your day to go ahead as planned, or to wait or to postpone – we will do everything we can to assist and it would also be advisable that contact with other suppliers is made also.

Do keep any eye on the web page but of course feel free to contact me should you wish to ask anything.

Best Wishes


Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Venue
Enjoy a Homely Welcome and Friendly Service at Craig y Nos Castle
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