The Castle's first Indian Wedding - a two day exclusive event - Weddings in Wales at Craig y Nos Castle

Craig y Nos Castle Weddings
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The Castle's first Indian Wedding - a two day exclusive event

Pictures > Special Niche Weddings

Craig y Nos Castle Wales Indian Wedding Reception

Craig y Nos Castle hosted its first Indian Wedding in Summer 2018. The Couple hired a white horse from Cardiff, and decorated the entire venue - replacing our furniture with their own decorations at some expense.

All our own Maintenance Staff were in support, moving everything around for the various Ceremonies. 16 additional support and catering staff hired by the Wedding Couple stayed over in the Nurses Building.

Most of the wedding meals were self-catering, due to the specialist nature of the menu requirements. There were 150 guests, most of whom stayed at the castle, using every available bed space.

Luckily the weather held for the outdoor events, despite it having rained for much of the previous week.

As this wedding was an exclusive lock-down event, we do not have many photographs. No members of the public were allowed in the Castle, for the duration - a very exclusive wedding.

Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Venue
Enjoy a Homely Welcome and Friendly Service at Craig y Nos Castle
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